Thursday, May 1, 2008

Today's Hidden Holocaust

During the final years of WWII, a large group of governments and individuals, when faced with the reality of what was happening to Europe's Jews, in the words of artist and politician Arthur Szyk "treated[ed it] as a pornographical subject--you cannot discuss it in polite society." People didn't want to know. It was too unpleasant. It might make them uncomfortable. So it was left unspoken.

Today, there is another holocaust, hidden in plain sight, which is rarely brought to light for mostly the same reasons. It makes people very uncomfortable. Today, though, the parties keeping this in the shadows are mostly the popular media. It is this media, who, rightly or wrongly, are responsible for illuminating much of what is happening in the underbelly of society. And, if it makes people uncomfortable, it most likely will not sell. And if it will not sell, it is, at best, reported on only in a short segment when something terrible has come to light. Then it is dropped like a hot potato.

This is a holocaust where babies are prematurely ripped from their mothers, where adults are forced to live their whole lives, as slaves, in near starvation, in housing often filled with feces and urine. This is a world where families are routinely torn apart with members being sold off to the highest bidders. It is a world where pain, suffering, deformity and deep rooted genetic abnormalities are ignored and medical care is virtually non-existent. In this world profit is king. Those adults who no longer are profitable for their master are shot, if they are lucky, and, if not so lucky, their sick, tired old bodies might be thrown onto a garbage heap to slowly die amongst the filth. And this holocaust is going on right here in the United States!

Many of you who are reading this are accompanied, at this very moment, by a product of this horror. You had no idea. You have no idea. You were innocent. You are innocent! Unlike so many WWII Europeans, you did not ever so quietly refrain from speaking of this while all the time knowing it existed. You would never have supported this if you knew. But you didn't know. And so, in your innocence, you unknowingly helped perpetuate this holocaust. But it is your soon to be former innocence that should now empower you to help to put an end to this current day abomination.

Once you know, you will NEVER AGAIN permit yourself, or anyone you know, to support this. NEVER AGAIN. You will not refrain from speaking of this. You will shout it to the world when you can. For now you shall know that the sweet puppy that you got from that seemingly wonderful pet shop was bred in a facility that is akin to Auschwitz for dogs. No matter what they told you in the puppy store, your pup originated in a place like this. NO REPUTABLE BREEDER EVER SELLS TO PET STORES. NOT ONE. ANYWHERE. NO MATTER WHAT THE STORE TELLS YOU OR TELLS THEIR EMPLOYEES. NO MATTER HOW FANCY THE STORE IS, VIRTUALLY ALL PET STORE PUPS COME FROM PLACES LIKE THESE. Rescue a dog from a shelter or a breed rescue organization. There are fantastic puppies and dogs just waiting for you.

Most likely the mother and father of your wonderful dog, if they are still alive, are, at this very moment, existing in a chicken wire cage – even the floor is chicken wire, often barely large enough to lie down in, more often than not exposed to the elements - freezing in the winter, sweltering in the summer, being fed barely enough food to sustain life, drinking filthy water, most likely having many untreated, festering wounds, some of them years old, just waiting there to be bred again and again and again for another cash crop of puppies. Many have gone completely mad and spin endlessly in their cage, hour after hour, day after day. It is a terrible sight to behold.

They will never feel the loving touch of a human hand or hear sweet words whispered into their soft fuzzy ear. They will never be held close and comforted when sick or scared. And, when they are finally spent with no more to give, they will be discarded, onto the trash, thought of as useless, like an empty milk carton. This is the life of your beloved dog’s parents.

From this day forward, you can decide to NEVER AGAIN buy anything from a store or a web site that sells puppies. Nothing. Not a ball. Not fish food. Not a tag, a collar or a leash. Nothing. By "rescuing" that cute pup you are dooming its parents to a never ending life of misery. The pup is but a commodity to the pet store. If you "rescue" that puppy its place will be quickly filled with another, only to doom yet other parents to a continuing life of unfathomable misery.

A picture is worth a 1000 words. Go to the Internet and search for Puppy Mills. Search You Tube. Be careful. Do not show your children. You will be forever changed. It will hurt. But if you refrain from looking you will be like those WWII Europeans who turned away and permitted the holocaust to be.

Submitted by: Kathie R.

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