Friday, January 22, 2010

Dogs are better than a gym membership

From the Parade Magazine

A Happy Way to Get Fit
By Allison Takeda
Published: 01/17/2010

When it comes to getting active, you may be better off investing in a dog
than a gym membership.

Researchers in Great Britain recently surveyed 5000 people and found that
those with dogs exercised up to six hours more a week than those who worked
out at a gym or on their own.

According to the study, the average dog owner walks his pet for less than 30
minutes twice daily and then longer three times a week. Those short spurts
add up to more than eight hours of physical activity a week. In contrast,
the average gym-goer works out less than two hours a week.

Researchers say the difference can be attributed in part to varying levels
of enjoyment. While 86% of dog owners said they enjoy the time with their
pets, only 16% of respondents rated going to the gym favorably.

Perhaps that's also why dog owners are more likely to make physical activity
a priority. Nearly two-thirds said they walk their pets even when they're
pressed for time. Compare that with 46% of gym-goers who admitted to often
making excuses not to work out. Sound familiar?

Try the dog owner's secret of breaking up your workout into small bursts of
activity. The miles and minutes will add up.

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