Friday, January 7, 2011

Some highly recommended and great Cairn-Friendly Products for 2011!

Written by Reggie & Gemma's adoptive Mom

Happy New Year!! These are some of the items that may not have made your holiday lists this year. They are the staples in our household- suggested by other dog owners and by our dog trainer, they have proven to be the best. Hopefully, they can help you out as much as they have helped us:

1. Merrick Pet Treats: Our Reggie is allergic to grains, so we needed to find a grain-free treat that he'd enjoy but would also keep him healthy. If your dog has food allergies or is prone to weight-gain, it's important to take treat ingredients into consideration. The grain-free treat we've found that both Reggie & Gemma love are the Beef or Lamb Filets by Merrick. They have one ingredient, are low fat and are all-natural. A bag of filets runs about $15-$20, but each treat can be broken into about 10 separate pieces so they're very economical.

2. Thundershirt: Someone actually noticed Reggie's Thundershirt in a previously posted picture! For dogs that are fearful, the Thundershirt is a sort-of security blanket. It works similarly to swaddling for infants. The tight fabric gives the dog a feeling of being safe and protected. We'd put it on Reggie whenever new people came over or we were in a new place and it would improve his confidence significantly. The Thundershirt was one of the most important tools we used to rehabilitate our Reggie. They're about $25-$30 and well worth the money. They look really snazzy too! These can also be purchased through our CP Mall.

Reggie wears his thundershirt!

3. Gentle Leader Easy Walk Dog Harness: Gemma, our 9-month-old bolt of energy, is a little over zealous on her walks. Some traditional collars and harnesses not only can damage your dog's throat but also can trigger a natural reflex to pull harder. The Easy Walk Harness is designed to counteract this reflex. It puts pressure on the shoulders and directs the dog's attention back to you if they pull too hard. It is a little pricey but it gets the results promised- Gemma finally walks like a lady! I got one on ebay for about $18 but they are $25 at major pet stores. They have lots of sizes including “tweener” sizes for dogs that aren't necessarily a S/M/L! (FYI: Gemma is a small)

Gemma models her Easy Walk harness

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