Monday, December 16, 2013

Luigi Leaves the Pasta Behind at Col. Potter!

Written by a CP Intakes Coordinator

Luigi, a friendly 4 year old Black Brindle Male

How about a big hearty Col. Potter welcome to Luigi, a big block-buster of a Brindle boy who is now settling in to the Col. Potter Family. At just four years old and weighing in at 25 pounds, Luigi is one serious bundle of dude to settle - but he’s friendly and very affectionate!

Back at his former home, poor Luigi found that three was definitely a crowd – at least when it comes to how many dogs a young family can handle. Things were going good for Luigi for a while until a couple of years ago when a new little human came on the scene. Well, skip forward two years and the two-year-old human truly has a bad case of the terrible-two’s, and he and Luigi could not see eye-to-eye.  Well, maybe they could – but neither of them liked what they saw!

The family’s other two dogs were doing okay, but Luigi, being the newest dog, was now odd dog out.  So, here comes the call to Col. Potter…  Come get our dog!

Luigi is looking for big changes at Col. Potter!

Sure enough, CP did go and get Luigi and brought him home to the clan.  While it’s impossible to thank everyone in this generous CP family - there are so many of you doing so much - we want to send out special thanks to Ann and Wayne S. and to Sharon J. for literally going the extra miles to get this boy - and on very short notice.   Many thanks to Julie M. for keeping open a room at the inn and B&B’ing Luigi until he gets to his Foster home, and many thanks to Meghan B., who will make sure that Luigi goes easy on the pasta for a while!

Welcome Luigi and Thanks to All!

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