Tuesday, October 31, 2017

Tuesday Tails: Keeping Your Cairns Safe on Halloween!

Ellie and Merlin fka CP Curly are ready to party in safety!
Jack-o'-lanterns, trick-or-treaters, haunted houses and costume parties. Halloween is full of fun things for you and your family to enjoy, but it's one of those holidays that is enjoyed more by people than by pets. 

Keep the following precautions in mind when preparing for the frightfully fun festivities and help ensure that everyone in your family - including your pet - has a safe Halloween:
  • As much as your dog or cat may beg for some of your Halloween candy, always remember that chocolate may be deadly to them even in small amounts.

  • Keep your pet in a quiet place, away from trick-or-treaters and other Halloween activities. You may know that the miniature monsters and goblins who come knocking on Halloween aren't real, but pets don't. Dogs and cats are creatures of habit and could become frightened or agitated by the unaccustomed sights and sounds of costumed visitors. In addition, frequently opened doors provide a perfect opportunity for escape, which can go unnoticed during all the commotion. Be sure all pets are wearing collars and ID tags in case of an accidental getaway.

  • Dogs can have lethal tails, wagging all over the place. Don't leave any lighted candles or Jack-O-Lanterns where they could be knocked over by a swinging tail or by a curious cat. Not only could your pet start a fire but they could severely burn themselves in the process.

  • If you are having a indoor party, make sure that you put your dog or cat in a room where they won't be disturbed. Unless your pet is ultra friendly and doesn't mind loud noises, music and lots of people you should keep them separate for the night. Also, be careful your cat or dog doesn't dart out through the open door as you hand out candy. Best bet is to just put them in a crate with some food and water for the night and check on them once in a while to let them know everything is fine.

  • Candy wrappers, such as tin foil, can get stuck in your pets digestive tract and make them ill or cause death. There are plenty of recipes for making homemade dog and cat treats, you can always make them their own Halloween treats.

  • Don't let the family dog accompany the kids on their trick-or-treat outing. Children may have a difficult time handling a pet during the festivities and your pooch could get loose, especially if your dog is scared by the strange sights and sounds of trick-or-treaters.

  • Don't leave your pet outside on Halloween: There are plenty of stories of vicious pranksters who have teased, injured, stolen, even killed pets on this night. Plus with all the things happening that evening it can be more than a little frightening for our animals.
Col. Potter wishes everyone a Happy Halloween!

Information taken from Halloween Safety Guide, HSUS, Pet Safety on Halloween.

Tuesday is full of Tails!  Each week we will showcase the Tail of one of our Col. Potter Rescued Cairns, either Post Adoption or still looking for that Forever Home while in a wonderful CP Foster Home.  If you have a great CP Post Adoption story (and photos!) and would like us to consider them for an upcoming "Tuesday Tails" send it to us at cpcrnblog@gmail.com (All photo submissions become the property of CPCRN and may be used for fundraising, promotion and/or outreach purposes.).

Sunday, October 29, 2017

Sunday Sweets!

Sunday is full of SWEETS!  Each week we showcase the sweeter side of Cairns.  If you have a sweet
filled Cairn and would like us to consider YOUR photo for an upcoming "Sunday Sweets!" send it to us at cpcrnblog@gmail.com (All photo submissions become the property of CPCRN and may be used for fundraising, promotion and/or outreach purposes.).

Rabbie Burns

Baby D

Balla and Max

Foster Shem

CP Trekkie as Mr. Spock

Foster Bonita

Foster Chula

CP Dongal as Al-Bark Einstein

Finbar as a Sweet Sunflower

Oona as a 1920's Flapper

Ralphie fna CP Noble

Skippy and is that Dorothy?


Sweet Sophie

Tucker fna Canada

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Shop Lynch Creek Farm for the Holidays!

Please Feel Free to Cross Post!

Lynch Creek Farm is pleased to partner with Col. Potter again to bring you a special Fundraiser Campaign Col.Potter Cairn Rescue Network Giving Green!  Now through Sunday, December 10th, you can order any beautiful, high quality wreath, centerpiece, or other decorative item for the Holidays, as a Gift, or for your own home, and Lynch Creek Farm will donate a full 20% of your purchase to Col. Potter to help save another Cairn in need!  You can order now for December delivery, easy as 1.2.3!  Not ready to shop?  You can make a straight-up donation via the Lynch Creek Farm campaign and 100% of all donations will go to the Cairns!  100%!!!  A fantastic opportunity to donate or to give a gift that gives twice!

Lynch Creek Farm Presents
Now - December 10th
20% of all proceeds and 100% of all donations
during this time will be sent to

Check out some of our Sunday Sweets Favorites, featuring many Rescued Cairns and friends who have been helped by the generosity and hard work of so many Col. Potter Volunteers - the best gift in any season!

Please Feel Free to Cross Post!



Friday, October 27, 2017

Friday Flashback: Teddy Rocks in the Cradle of Forever Love!

Written by Teddy fka CP Sir. Albert
Originally posted 7/4/2014 on the Post Adoption Blog

Teddy fka CP Sir. Albert making himself right at home!

Hi there, Col. Potter Family!  Teddy here!  You probably remember me as CP Sir. Albert, but my Mom and Dad adopted me last October and decided to call me Teddy, I think because I’m so cute like a little Teddy Bear!  I also think my Mom and Dad were a little confused when they adopted me because I’m not really sure if they realize that I’m actually a dog, not their baby?  Not that I’m complaining!  It works out just fine for me!

What a sweet baby!

Mom and Dad adopted me when I was about 6 years old, and I came to them with some bad allergies.  After lots and lots of doctor visits, my Mom and Dad think they are getting me on the right track, and I do feel much better now!  I love my Mom and Dad so much for taking such good care of me, and I show my appreciation by taking my pills with no problems.

Mom and Teddy bundled up to brave the cold Mid-west Winter.
The only thing I think Col. Potter really messed up was that they sent me to a very cold place!  I’m not sure where it is, and I don’t understand why my Mom and Dad would agree to live here, but, boy, did it get cold here!  I had to wear a jacket and booties all Winter when we went outside!  Being the stubborn little Cairn that I am, I showed my disdain for the cold weather by conveniently un-learning all my good potty behaviors.  Yes indeed!  I fixed it so I didn’t have any reason to go out in the cold anymore!

Of course, Mom got wise to what I was doing and started re-training me to go potty outside so I wouldn’t have any excuse.  Actually, it worked in my favor as I got lots and lots of carrots to reward my great behavior.  I did get a little cocky, though, and started to pretend to pee and poo outside just to get carrots.  Worked pretty good at first, but Mom caught on pretty quick and that idea went out the window!  Oh well!

Dad's pillow is just Perfect!
To be honest, however, I’ve been living a pretty good life with Mom and Dad, so I have no complaints.  When I first moved in, Dad had something called “rules” for me and, for example, I wasn’t “allowed” on the couch or in bed.  He-he-he-he!  That didn’t last very long!  Man, do I love to sleep with my Mom and Dad!  When Mommy tells me it’s bed time, I know just what to do: Jump into bed and go straight to Daddy’s spot!  I don’t usually get to stay there too long, but I sure enjoy it while it lasts!

Teddy loves day-care!
Since my parents can’t spend all day every day with me, like I wish they could, they send me to doggy day care at least once a week.  I LOVE day-care!!  As soon as Mommy asks me if I want to go to day-care, I go bonkers!  I can’t help it though!  They have slides, and pools, and people to pet and love on me all day!  Don’t tell my doggy friends, but the ladies at day-care tell me I’m their favorite!  One day when it was rainy at day-care, the vet staff took me into the offices and put me in the break room so they could just play with me - while the other dogs had to play in the kennels all day.  Yup!  Spoiled at home and at day-care!

Teddy just double checking his Dad’s work!
My Mom and Dad must have been pretty bored before they adopted me.  Since I’ve been here, all they ever want to do is hang out with me!!  Whether it’s watching TV, going for walks, or going home to visit family, they want me with them all the time!  I can’t imagine what Mom and Dad did before I arrived, but I’m ok with it.  Being their baby isn’t too bad of a job for a mature little man like me!  Well, maybe “mature” is stretching it a bit!

Yes, all things considered, I’m doing pretty darn good here at my new digs!  Mom and Dad are great – although they could be a little less stingy with the treats!  I’ll give them a little more time and I’m sure they’ll figure it out!

Check out my 1st Post Adoption Post:
Check out my Modeling Job (with Mom) for a CP Blog Training Post:
Read my Intake Story here:

Friday Funnies!

Raising Duncan

by Chris Browne

Note: Click on the image to enlarge!

Thursday, October 26, 2017

Col. Potter Training Tips: No Place Like Home!

Contributed by a Col. Potter Volunteer
When life is a little stressful, it’s nice to have a place to call Home!
Are you thinking about adding a new Rescued Cairn to your family?  There are many things to consider, and lots of planning to do.  You can expect to get many great tips to help you integrate your New Cairn into your home, so it is good to know that some of this advice will also will apply to your current resident dogs.  Learning to use a crate effectively is a great example.

Crate Training Essentials for Your New Cairn

Your new dog has been Crate Trained, and is accustomed to sleeping in his or her crate.  He or she is also accustomed to spending some "down time" relaxing in the crate.  This is a practice that we HIGHLY recommend you continue.  Crate training is definitely NOT "cruel" as many people believe.  Numerous studies have shown that, contrary to being cruel to dogs, it's compassionate and caring.  Canines are, by nature, pack and den animals.  They feel safe and secure when they have their own den-like containment area.  A cage/crate serves as such.  Maintaining a positive pattern of regular, daily crate time will serve you well and will provide your new Cairn a safe and familiar place of his or her own.

Another helpful hint is that we often give the new dog too much attention at first in an attempt to make him or her feel welcomed, secure, and loved.  Please be aware that your new Rescued Cairn will be on emotional and physical overload for at least a couple of weeks.  Give them time and space to "decompress."  To become familiar with and comfortable in your home and with your family, on his or her terms.
A wire crate lets your Cairn feel like part of the activity
in the room, and a sheet or blanket can be draped over it
to give a more den-like feel when a more quiet time is desired.

Keep in mind that your little one has experienced at least TWO major disruptions in life already: being rescued from whatever his or her original environment was, then leaving the safety of the Foster Home to become your adopted dog.  Just think about your new Cairn’s story and imagine yourself in the same situation… Changes – even for the better – can be very stressful.  It's no wonder they experience a bit of overload.  Quiet time in the crate will help your Rescued Cairn adjust more easily - and more quickly.

Crate him or her at night and while you are away to help him or her feel secure.  Also, give him or her "time outs" in the crate whenever you sense the beginning of a little over stimulation or overloaded.  Sometimes everyone - human and canine - needs a chance to catch their breath.

Take it Easy and You’ll Get it Right!

Basically, TAKE IT EASY with your new Cairn!  We recommend that you not take the new dog into a lot of new situations right at first.  Many mistakes are made because the new adoptive home is so excited about their dog that they want to share their new little one with all their friends and family.  This new dog has NO CLUE that the adoptive family is their new family, nor will they have a clue who these new people are - especially new people who have dogs.  Give your New Cairn time to adjust to you, your immediate family, and your home before taking him out to visit friends or relatives.  If your friends and family cannot wait to meet your new family member, please introduce them to him or her slowly and allow time to adjust and welcome each member one at a time.  A large number of unfamiliar humans descending on a newly adopted Cairn has the potential to be overwhelming and can cause them to react in a negative way.

You cannot go too slowly...  but you can move too quickly by exposing your new adoptee to too many new people, places, sights, sounds and smells at first.  Be sure to use the crate wisely to give your new Cairn time to relax a few times each day, always making it a gentle, positive experience going in and coming back out.  Little bits of cheese in your hand help in any crating exercise, and it will reinforce the absolute goodness of your hands!

Good luck! And thank you again for opening your heart and home to a rescued Cairn!

Rescuing one Cairn will not change the world,
but it will surely change the world for that one Rescued Cairn

Read More About It:

It’s Always Best to Start at the Beginning!

I’m Not Sure we’ve been Properly Introduced!

Toto: The Other Side of the Story!

And the Oscar goes to…

Col. Potter Needs a Few More Beginnings! 
Please Volunteer to Foster and help us help give a new start to every Cairn in need!

Please  Consider being a CP Volunteer!

CP Foster Home Application form:

CP Transport Volunteer Driver form:

CPCRN Volunteer form:

Col. Potter’s Name a Rescue Cairn Program

Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Wacky Wednesday!

Note: Click on the image to enlarge!
Wednesday is the day to be WACKY!  Each week we will showcase a terrierific Cairn picture with an appropriate caption.  If you would like us to consider YOUR picture and caption for an upcoming "Wacky Wednesday" send it to us at cpcrnblog@gmail.com!  All photo submissions become the property of CPCRN and may be used for fundraising, promotion and/or outreach purposes.

A big shout out to Rabbie Burns for being our Wacky Wednesday model this week!

Tuesday, October 24, 2017

Tuesday Tails: Maddie and Buddy!

Note: Click on the image to enlarge!
Tuesday is full of Tails!  Each week we will showcase the Tail of one of our Col. Potter Rescued Cairns, either Post Adoption or still looking for that Forever Home while in a wonderful CP Foster Home.  If you have a great CP Post Adoption story (and photos!) and would like us to consider them for an upcoming "Tuesday Tails" send it to us at cpcrnblog@gmail.com (All photo submissions become the property of CPCRN and may be used for fundraising, promotion and/or outreach purposes.).

Monday, October 23, 2017

Sweet Halloween Photos!

Do you have some great Halloween photos of your Cairns and/or their CP Friends?  Send them in and help us celebrate Halloween Sweets! 

Please send your photos to us at cpcrnblog@gmail.com with the subject “Halloween Sweets” and remember to let us know who’s who.  Watch for your  photos each Sunday, and maybe, like Magic, they’ll appear in the next Col. Potter Cairns & Friends Halloween video!

Wishing you all a Fun Filled October!

Col. Potter Cairn Rescue Network (CPCRN)  is an all volunteer Rescue, saving Cairns, one dog at a time.  Please adopt, volunteer, or donate so we can help more Cairns enjoy Freedom and perhaps a special Holiday Celebration!

Sunday, October 22, 2017

Sunday Sweets!

Sunday is full of SWEETS!  Each week we showcase the sweeter side of Cairns.  If you have a sweet filled Cairn and would like us to consider YOUR photo for an upcoming "Sunday Sweets!" send it to us at cpcrnblog@gmail.com (All photo submissions become the property of CPCRN and may be used for fundraising, promotion and/or outreach purposes.).

Foster Chula and Foster Bonita

Ella fna CP Felicia

Foster Jib


Foster Midas

CP Cooper, Orva and Norton in the back

Foster Angelica

Georgie fka CP Little Wayne

Foster Peniculk

Foster Dooley

Foster Moneypenny

Sweet Gypsy

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Lynch Creek Farm Gifts Support our Cairns!

Please Feel Free to Cross Post!

Lynch Creek Farm is pleased to partner with Col. Potter again to bring you a special Fundraiser Campaign Col.Potter Cairn Rescue Network Giving Green!  Now through Sunday, December 10th, you can order any beautiful, high quality wreath, centerpiece, or other decorative item for the Holidays, as a Gift, or for your own home, and Lynch Creek Farm will donate a full 20% of your purchase to Col. Potter to help save another Cairn in need!  You can order now for December delivery, easy as 1.2.3!  Not ready to shop?  You can make a straight-up donation via the Lynch Creek Farm campaign and 100% of all donations will go to the Cairns!  100%!!!  A fantastic opportunity to donate or to give a gift that gives twice!

Lynch Creek Farm Presents
Now - December 10th
20% of all proceeds and 100% of all donations
during this time will be sent to

Check out some of our Sunday Sweets Favorites, featuring many Rescued Cairns and friends who have been helped by the generosity and hard work of so many Col. Potter Volunteers - the best gift in any season!

Please Feel Free to Cross Post!



Friday, October 20, 2017

Friday Flashback: Caruso Celebrates His 2nd Gotcha Day!

Contributed by CP Caruso
Originally posted 8/1/2014 on the Post Adoption Blog
CP Caruso is a Happy 4 year old Boy!

Hey!!!  Caruso here!  Can you believe a whole year has gone by since I talked to you guys?  Well, it’s true – and do you know what that means?  Today is my 2nd Gotcha Day!!!  Yay!!!
My Mom and Dad are so Great, they celebrate two special days just for me!  Mom says that because I was rescued by Col. Potter on June 8th, and because nobody knew exactly when my birthday was, she and Dad decided to designate my rescue date as my birthday – so we celebrate on June 8th!  Then, they adopted me officially on August 1st, so that’s my “Gotcha Day!”  Two celebrations and two for-sure sets of new balls!!!

Caruso loves to hang out with big sister, Cindel…
…and he and Wicket have shared lots more brotherly love too!
And there is Lots to celebrate!  Mom says that I am doing much better on walks!  I knew that because I have heard different people giving me compliments!  Last week, for example, I was walking with Wicket and Mom didn't see the big dog coming since he was hidden by some shrubs.  All of a sudden, out pops this girl and her big dog, but Wicket and I didn't bark or anything!  Mom was so impressed!  Wicket doesn't like certain dogs and I have always had issues with most big dogs, so she couldn't believe how good we were - and she didn't have any treats in her pocket!  I think it’s that “maturity” she talked to me about last year, don’t you think?
Actually, I’m not so sure she should have been surprised.  After all, when she took me to my Big Birthday Party in June, I was very well behaved!  She kept calling the party “CRAP” - which I really didn’t understand, but I figured it was some kind of code about my 4th birthday!   Anyway, I think the “maturity” thing started sticking to me then – ‘cause when you’re four, you got bigger responsibilities!

Caruso celebrated his Fourth Birthday at CRAP!
For example, I take full responsibility to get myself into my crate on my own now, and I don’t even wait for Mom to have a treat in her hand first.  This is a big deal, Mom says, because it means I trust her more, and that makes her very happy!  All she has to do is point to my crate now and I go right in!  Even if she walks away for a bit, I will still be sitting there in my crate when she comes back – and she always comes back with a treat!

Waiting for Mom to come home is very mature work!
Yes, I am growing up!  Even my Grandma and Grandpa say the same thing!  Of course, Grandma gets to observe my “maturity” quite a lot because I like to follow her around when I’m over at their house – which makes me a Grandma's Boy as well as a Mama's Boy!

Shhhhh… I’m hiding…
Don’t worry!  I’ll never let “maturity” take all of me!  I still love to play ball, any time, any place, and that is very, very good!  In the morning, Mom plays fetch with me for a while, and then I snuggle into my special "hidey spot" at the end of the bed when she is getting ready to go to work – just like I did when I was just a two-year old baby!
Some things shouldn’t ever be changed by “maturity”!
Thanks again to everyone in Col. Potter who worked so hard to save me and set me up for the Best two years of my life - so far! 
Check out my video where I am very mature, playing ball with a little baby!

Check out my video where I am playing ball with Wicket!
Check out my Third Year Blog Post: